Some excellent tips on pitching an idea to investors:
May I add, I wouldn't recommend going anywhere near venture capitalists. The people who have an interest in developing a micro business are business angels and potential co-founders. It's important to understand what you are asking for, so that you may ask the right type of investor.
The bank is a good option if you want expensive, short term credit for small values. Personally I wont go anywhere near them aside the odd blip into the red now and then, but nothing I can't guarantee and pay back from my own funds.
Think big. I made a plan that asked for €3000.00 (A hard enough sum of money to squirrel away on €600.00 a month, rent, food and car to pay). This kind of investment falls into the "family and friends" category, not really something that will have an investor outside your circle pricking their ears.
Put your money where your months is and take the necessary risks. If you are willing to risk everything, then people will think you've got a good reason for doing so, or at least that you are committed to the project...
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